The idea of idolatry is common to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Idolatry is when you place something other than God and his will as primary, both in private and in public. Almost anything can be an idol. Most people think about things that are also well-known sins, like greed and lust. However, things like family, friends, and productivity can be idols if you place them before God.
One of the most powerful idols is America. Hear me clearly: America is not inherently evil. I believe it has done an enormous amount of good in the world. Many of the narratives of America are compatible with my faith.
However, current narratives around refugees and immigrants, and actions taken by people in power who claim Christ, are not compatible with my faith. It is not Christian (or Jewish or Muslim) to deny refuge for the poor and oppressed. People of faith who feel that national security comes before mercy for refugees and immigrants have made an idol out of their country. They have placed America above God.
What is the right response? People of faith should respond in love, of course. But when we see someone making an idol out of anything, we are called to speak up. The most powerfully-worded versus in the Bible are those that speak out against idolatry. We should take the hint and speak out powerfully as well.